BIG MAX is Europe's #1 Golf Trolley manufacturer
For over 30 years, BIG MAX has been the undisputed market leader in the manufacture of golf trolleys in Europe. Through our drive for innovation, we have become the benchmark for golf trolley quality and design.

The standard for waterproof Golf Bags
At BIG MAX we pride ourselves on making golf bags and travel covers from quality materials and with impressive features. Our line of products is designed to meet the varied needs of golfers and we firmly believe in a winning philosophy that takes into account the unique requirements of each individual.
25 years of BIG MAX
Founded in 1994, BIG MAX is a strong brand name that is conquering global markets today. After entering the US market with a large selection of golf trolleys, golf bags and accessories, BIG MAX is now represented in all major markets around the world.
The most important premises of BIG MAX are quality, innovation and function of all products. The quality of the products has been improving every year, giving us the confidence to offer an extended warranty of up to 5 years on BIG MAX products.
Der Grundstein
Die ersten BIG MAX Trolleys inkl. Basic und Mid Max werden an den österreichischen und deutschen Markt geliefert.
Europa Expansion
BIG MAX expandiert auf alle kontinentaleuropäischen Märkte mit einer breiteren und stärkeren Wagenreihe. Einführung des neuen Big Max 500.
Launch des TI 1000
BIG MAX stellt die größte Neuerung in der europäischen Trolley-Geschichte vor - den TI 1000 - den ersten 3-Rad-Trolley in Europa
Die #1 in Europa
BIG MAX ist mit seinen innovativen Produkten die Nr. 1 unter den Trolleymarken in Europa.
Globale Expansion
Mit Australien, Neuseeland, Südafrika, Kanada und Südamerika erschließt BIG MAX neue internationale Märkte.
US Markt
BIG MAX startet auf dem größten Golfmarkt, den Vereinigten Staaten, mit dem revolutionären BLADE als Schlüsselprodukt.
From Vienna into the world
Today, BIG MAX is the fastest growing trolley brand in the golf market and is not only expanding globally but also becoming a major force in the golf bag and travel cover categories.